Survey FAQs

We are hoping to learn about your experiences as a trans disabled or Deaf person. We will be asking questions about you, your experiences with discrimination, expressing your gender as a Deaf or disabled person, your connection to trans and disabled communities, and your experiences during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

Answering all of the questions will help us to best understand your experience. However, some of these questions might bring up difficult feelings or experiences. You do not need to answer any questions you feel uncomfortable answering. All questions are optional, unless they are marked as required.

You can stop the survey at any time and, if you choose to, return to the survey to continue at a later time. Please remember to take care of yourself as you answer these questions. 

Your experiences as a trans disabled or Deaf person are important, and we are interested in learning more about you. But there is no pressure to participate in any way you do not want to.

The information gathered from the survey will be distributed to community, social justice movements, and organizations. They will be used to amplify disabled and Deaf trans people’s stories and experiences, to build collective power, and to challenge ableism, audism, misogyny, and anti-Black racism in advocacy, service provision, policy, and all movement spaces.

No, we will not be able to identify people from the answers to these questions. We do not ask for information that would allow us to identify you. Your email will be used so that you can stop and return to the survey, but your email will not be attached to your answers.

Any information we release publicly will be aggregated, meaning that we combine all answers together into statistics, so no one else will be able to identify you either.

There are opportunities for you to tell us your story openly. We will remove identifying information in any quotes we make public, such as your name or where you live, to prevent others from being able to identify you.

The only people who will see your anonymous answers will be the team working on the Disabled and Deaf Trans People’s Survey (DTPS) for the purpose of data analysis. Everyone’s individual answers will be combined to talk about bigger trends in the data when we release the information publicly. We may use some quotes from your story, but we will take out any identifying information.